PRODUCT » Internal Doors » Grey » GREY GLAZED » MONTREAL 4L GLAZED GREY ASH Pre-finished
MONTREAL 4L GLAZED GREY ASH Pre-finished  image


Product code: DRU000741

Categories: GREY GLAZED

Model: Montreal

£245.00 - £249.00



 Internal light Grey Montreal provides a stunning modern look ideal to bring natural light into any area .

This  design is ideal  to be  installed in a kitchen or lounge area also available as a fire door perfect  if doing a loft conversion 

design has 4 clear glass panels toughened for extra safety around the home  beautiful horizontal grain with vertical stiles

with a slight raised moulding .

Pre- finished in a subtle light grey, just hang the door and  enjoy no finishing required

20 mm solid lipping can be trimmed 15mm from both sides and top also the bottom  ideal for older frames that are out of square

Large range of sizes in fire doors 44 mm thick and standard doors 35mm thick 

 Engineered construction for  extra strength, performance and stability 


Images are for illustrative purposes only